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Is an applied branch of behavioral science. Currently, this is one of the most effective methods of correcting the behavior of children with autism and other developmental features.

Using this approach, can solve these following tasks:

  • formation of skills that can replace undesirable behaviors
  • formation of social and communication skills (keeping eye contact the ability to ask for help from a specialist, teacher and parent, ask questions, able to play and interact with others
  • formation of academic skills (reading, counting, writing) at a level accessible to the child.
  • Stuttering
  • formation of household skills and self-service skills: independent toilet visits, eating and drinking, distinguishing between your own and someones else’s dishes, taking a shower, cleaning your bed, maintaining a neat appearance; Generalization of skills, increasing the ability of a child with autism and other neurological related disorders demonstrate targeted behaviors not only in this context, but also in various other situations.
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